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New Program Leverages the Power of Music to Advance Nature's Valuable Benefits AND Benefits Musicians In Need During the COVID19 Pandemic

Please click here to make a tax-deductible donation to The Nature of Music, which relies on the generous support of listeners like you.

Are both Nature and music an important part of your life?

Are you interested in learning about how a healthy environment and stable climate are important for sustaining our economy, health, national security and quality of life?

Are there songs that make up the soundtrack of your life – that uplift you, that motivate you, that console you, or that simply soothe your soul?

Does at least some of the fun in your life – maybe a lot of the fun – center around gathering with friends to enjoy and dance to music?

Does your community of friends in any way center around music – perhaps around a band or a music festival without which many of you would not have met?

Have you ever arrived at a concert or festival feeling worn down by life, frustrated, depressed or straight-up pissed off after a difficult day, week or year? And then just a short time later, did you emerge from that musical experience with your soul “recharged”, feeling reconnected with friends, your proverbial cup full?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then The Nature of Music podcast is for YOU. It’s an opportunity to give something back to our community during the COVID19 Pandemic, and of course to enjoy the fascinating stories that our musical guests have to share about Nature's valuable benefits.

Here’s how it works.

Stories of Nature and Music: Each episode will feature a “jam” of ideas that reveals fascinating stories about the influence of Nature on our guest’s lyrics and songs. We’ll learn about the environmental and climate crisis-related issues that musicians are passionate about, and about surprising ways that solutions generate valuable economic, health, social justice, national security, and other benefits for society. We’ll invite fans to be a part of the podcast too – via social media, you’ll be able to submit questions for our musical guests.

A Charitable Program to Support Musicians In Need During the COVID19 Pandemic: Most importantly, The Nature of Music will offer you opportunities to give something back to the musicians who have brought so much inspiration, community and joy into our lives.

Each episode will promote a dedicated fundraiser for our guest on GoFundMe Charity, which we humbly ask you to help us share far and wide. We’ll split the proceeds (as needed to cover our production costs) and hope that if each of you give just a little to your favorite musical guests, we can provide each of them with a modest payday – at least $500 – during this time when the pandemic has closed venues, cancelled festivals, and left so many in this industry without a paycheck. Together, our contributions can add up to a lot for musicians in need!

Building The Nature of Music Fund – An Invitation to Headline-Level Musicians (and to Event Promoters) Who Are Passionate About Protecting & Restoring Nature: For guests who are local or emerging acts, their episode’s crowdfunding campaign might not meet our $500 minimum goal. Our vision is for partnerships with headline-level acts (who attract the most crowdfunding donations) to help us establish a fund that we can use to subsidize payments to local and emerging artists (and eventually to members of their crew – we are thinking of you too). We’ll tap into The Nature of Music Fund as needed to make sure that our guests walk away with at least $500 for their help advancing Conservation Value Institute's mission.

An Invitation to Donors, Foundations, and Corporate Giving Programs: Conservation Value Institute welcomes opportunities to partner with philanthropists, impact investors, foundations and corporate giving and gift-matching programs interested in contributing to The Nature of Music Fund. As we are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, your donations are tax deductible. Please contact us with related inquiries – we’d love to hear your ideas and let the conversation flow from there.

You can contribute to The Nature of Music Fund now via our GoFundMe Charity campaign.

In the meantime, please follow The Nature of Music on social media, keep an eye out for opportunities to submit fan questions to ask our guests, and help us spread the word:

So what’s the backstory to The Nature of Music? How was the idea inspired by Nature? Tune into Episode 1, now available on most podcast apps, for the answers to these and other questions.

With gratitude,

Jonathan Gelbard

Host, The Nature of Music podcast

Executive Director, Conservation Value Institute

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